
Women’s Bible Commentary (3rd Edition) is unavailable, but you can change that!

In the critically acclaimed best-seller Women’s Bible Commentary, an outstanding group of women scholars introduced and summarized each book of the Bible and commented on those sections of each book that have particular relevance to women, focusing on female characters, symbols, life situations such as marriage and family, the legal status of women, and religious principles that affect...

limit their role. This is one of the longest passages specifically about women in the entire New Testament. Further warnings against false teachers and exhortations to good behavior follow (6:3–21). The document contains no development of teaching about Christian faith or beliefs and no refuting of the false teachers, but it does include several short creedal statements (1:15; 2:5–6; 3:16; 6:14–16). There are two Greek words for “man”: anthrōpos
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